
Legal Disclaimer
All use of this website is subject to the following Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access or use this website.

Legal Advise:
All user of this website agree to the following terms and conditions: eventhough the materials provided on this site have been thoroughly researched and tested, it does not warrant that the site will be without error or omission. We reserve the right to change the content and complete without this special remark. This website, including all contents, is copyrighted. Unless otherwise specified, TechnoBoots Ltd. is the legitimate author.

Even though the materials provided on this site have been thoroughly researched, we assume no responsibility for the content of external links. For the content of linked pages their operators are responsible. If you have questions or comments regarding our legal information, please contact us info@technoboots.ch.

For us it is important to respect the privacy of our customers: all the information we receive from you are used confidentially and with due diligence. Information collected will be used only for business communication. Personal data shall be processed only if they have been entered by the same person directly. These datas will be used only for the stated purpose.

Applies exclusively to Swiss law. The sole place of jurisdiction for all disputes is the headquarters of the Company.

Responsible Office
The Responsible Office for the collection, processing and use of your personal data is the TechnoBoots Ltd., Wilhalde 2, CH-5504 Othmarsingen..
If you want to cancel or contradict completely or even only partially the collection, processing or use of your information in accordance with these Technoboots Privacy Policy, you can send your appeal by e-mail, fax or letter to the following contact information:

TechnoBoots GmbH
Wilhalde 2
CH-5504 Othmarsingen
Telephone: +41 (0) 56 443 14 00
Email: info@technoboots.ch

Webdesign: Alex Zullo